Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Job

I started a new job this week and here is what I know about my new co-workers:

Gillian is into yoga. And she looks like a modern, brunette Molly Ringwald.

Kate lived in the convent at U of T for a summer.

Tiffany likes natural supplements, a lot.

Mark is biking in the Tour de France this summer. Amazing!

Hugh really likes the plants in the office and refuses to get rid of the ones that are dying. (I like that.)

Rob sprints for the GO train most evenings.

Susan has two kids, born 9 years apart.

Jennifer, Marissa and Karen I already knew and have the goods on.

What my co-workers learned about me: I really like plants, coffee and nice pens. My family shares a cottage that my Papa built and I don't like how quiet the office is.

So far, so good! To be continued...

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